Unpacking Yodas Protector 1.03.3

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C:\Yodas Protector Unpacking.swf
Build 2 successfully completed
Created at: Sat Aug 14 08:28:53 2010
Flash player required: v6.0 or above
Size: 1654 KB
Total frames in main movie: 5160
Playback frame rate: 20
Approximate playback time: 258 seconds

Annotated text transcript:

Unpacking Yoda's Protector 1.03.3
Tools :

-IsDebugPresent (If you need)

This Tutorial is writen by Richard Irfan Yusan

The TargetFile ;-)
yoda's Protector 1.03.3 -> Ashkbiz Danehkar
Entryopy : PACKED
Load the target file to OllyDBG
Set your Exceptions Settings like this
make sure this checkbox is checked
If User32.dll already loaded into memory, set your ollydbg events setting back to normal
Uncheck !
Right Click > Go To > Expression


Type "BlockInput"
Fill with NOPs
Place Breakpoint here
Now, we must fix IsDebuggerPresent

there are two method :

1.Manual Fix : Continue watching
2. Using IsDebuggerPresent OllyDBG plugin , you can skip this step

Case sensitive
Yoda uses CreateToolhelp32Snapshot to retrieve all running processes. Then , yoda search for process that started unpackme and it checks does that proces has same PID as unpackme itself. If not, yoda terminates that process which is OllyDbg.exe in our case. If we patch CreateToolhelp32Snapshot API, we will get Invalid_Handle exception. But there is another very easy way how to trick yoda. Yoda uses GetCurrentProcessId API to retrieve it's own PID. We can make yoda think that it is ollydbg.exe if we set that API to retireve olly's PID. How we can do that? By injecting simple patch.
00000730 is OllyDBG PID
730 mean ollydbg pid
Run Debugged Program

We land at this breakpoint :D
Run Debugged Program Again

Set Memory BP on access
CTRL+A to analyze this code
UnPackMe file run without error :D
Entropy : NOT PACKED
And UnPackMe Unpacked succesfully !

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18 Responses to "Unpacking Yodas Protector 1.03.3"

  1. fungsinya buat apa gan? btw quickwall hack nya kapan kabarnya direlease secara resmi gan?

  2. hadohh quickwallhack kenapa di kasih secur gan cara dptin securnnya gmna sih???syarat2nya?kpn di release public~
    THX Behore ~

  3. Gan RCD, yg d proteksi itu pass na apa?

  4. mas rcd aku pm di forum nyit nyit lom ada replay...thank

  5. gan pass.a nanti kirim ke email.q ya ?
    plizzz gan T.T

  6. sabar aj kk,
    mngkin nunggu bis maintenan pbnya x bru di sebar

  7. itu fungsinya buat apa gan yodasprotector

  8. yahh aku downlad tapi gunanya ? apa :(

  9. kk richard bikinin cheat ninja saga dong aku butuh plizz
    kali aja bisa

  10. gan ,.,. gimana tuh tutor nya rumit amat !!
    trus cheat ammo nya gan kog ngga berfungsi ,.
    vidio nya rumit kk kcil !!
    tlong tanggapi kk richard ^^

  11. ehh....ehhh...ggaaannnn
    saya baru tau ternyata dari gemscool juga ada ngeluarin cheat....
    mereka nyebar cheat secara cuma2 d forumnya ...
    cek aja nih tp hrs daftar dolo....
    ternyata kadal makan kadal....
    mereka basmi cheater tp mereka membiakan cheat jg...hahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahah....
    like this bgd dah gw....

  12. gwa ksih tw cara singkat pke cheat yg work 100 %,,yg mw tw info lanjut nya coment di FB gwa z,, untk mencaga kerahasiaan..
    caranya dgn PM dan gwa bls ntr dgn info lanjut nya,serta tutorial nya..

  13. FB gwa erryburonan2nd@yahoo.com

  14. gwa ksih tw cara singkat pke cheat yg work 100 %,,yg mw tw info lanjut nya coment di FB gwa z,, untk menjaga kerahasiaan..
    caranya dgn PM dan gwa bls ntr dgn info lanjut nya,serta tutorial nya..
    PM di : erryburonan2nd@yahoo.com


  16. Kluarin Cheat Beret dund Bwat Jimat gua !
    Thx bwat anak anak R_Club ! MERDEKA !

  17. [...] C:Yodas Protector Unpacking.swf Build 2 successfully completed Created at: Sat Aug 14 08:28:53 2010 Flash player required: v6.0 or above Size: 1654 KB Total frames in main movie: 5160 Playback frame rate: 20 Approximate playback time: 258 seconds Annotated text transcript: Unpacking Yoda's Protector 1.03.3 Tools : -OllyDBG -OllyDump -IsDebugPresent (If you need) -LordPE -TargetFile This Tutorial is writen by Richard Irfan Yusan richardyusan@rocketmail.com The TargetFile yoda's Protector 1.03.3 -> Ashkbiz Danehkar Entryopy : PACKED EP Check : PACKED Load the target file to OllyDBG Set your Exceptions Settings like this make sure this checkbox is checked If User32.dll already loaded into memory, set your ollydbg events setting back to normal Uncheck ! Right Click > Go To > Expression Or CTRL + G Type "BlockInput" Fill with NOPs Place Breakpoint here F2 Now, we must fix IsDebuggerPresent there are two method : 1.Manual Fix : Continue watching 2. Using IsDebuggerPresent OllyDBG plugin , you can skip this step MOV EAX,0 GetCurrentProcessId Case sensitive Yoda uses CreateToolhelp32Snapshot to retrieve all running processes. Then , yoda search for process that started unpackme and it checks does that proces has same PID as unpackme itself. If not, yoda terminates that process which is OllyDbg.exe in our case. If we patch CreateToolhelp32Snapshot API, we will get Invalid_Handle exception. But there is another very easy way how to trick yoda. Yoda uses GetCurrentProcessId API to retrieve it's own PID. We can make yoda think that it is ollydbg.exe if we set that API to retireve olly's PID. How we can do that? By injecting simple patch. 00000730 is OllyDBG PID 730 mean ollydbg pid Run Debugged Program F9 We land at this breakpoint Run Debugged Program Again F9 Set Memory BP on access OEP CTRL+A to analyze this code UnPackMe file run without error Entropy : NOT PACKED EPCheck : NOT PACKED And UnPackMe Unpacked succesfully ! sumber [...]
