Download Rapidleech by TheonlyMod

script ini adalah hasil editan dari rapidleech by eqbal

dengan beberapa tampilan yg lebih menarik dan beberapa info penggunaan harddisk, resource, bandwitdh

Contoh :

Download link : Direct Download

TheOnly’s Mod is a free Rapidleech mod which is specially written for public servers.

This mod is so cool, i like it very much :)

But my host doesn’t support some codes in this mid therefore i cannot use it :(

+ Download: TheOnly’s Mod 0.1.5 ( 264.6 kB ) Number of downloads: 410

+ Demo:

+ Installation:

1. Extract this file

2. Upload to your host

3. Chmod files/folders:

- Folder files: 777

- File: configs/config.php: 666

- File: configs/files.lst: 777

- File: configs/ongoing.lst: 777

- File: configs/online.lst: 777


+ The features of TheOnly’s Mod is as below:

  1. Plugin options moved to settings tab

  2. Original download link from Files list are hidden

  3. Auto download is disabled

  4. Cool download interface

  5. Filename and filesize is displayed when entering captcha for megaupload

  6. Megaupload waiting time reduced to 25 seconds

  7. Rapidshare waiting time auto-countdown

  8. Auto delete of all files (besides essentials) in the files folder automatically

  9. Files will be deleted after 30 minutes of non-access

  10. Delete links will be given once the transload is finished

  11. Showing all files is disabled

  12. Custom 403 and 404 pages

  13. Able to access to file functions immediately after transload is finished

  14. Some dangerous file functions are disabled

  15. Server info with passthru disabled

  16. Able to check checkbox by clicking on the file row

  17. Server load protection

  18. Automatic detection for unsafe chmod

  19. Multiple rapidshare premium account (not tested yet)

  20. Limit downloads per ip (Will reduce count if user deleted their own file)

  21. Limit file size

  22. Limit server downloads at a time

  23. Admin area to directly edit config.php

  24. Auto upload after finish transload

  25. Limit space usage on server

  26. file.upload.html which is generated after upload is now removed

  27. Total users online

  28. Easier plugin implementation

  29. Actions are disabled individually

  30. Able to manage files from admin panel (Delete only)

  31. Files are shown all by default

  32. Newly created zip files will go to files/ which will be visible through Files tab

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- Uncheck 'download with download manager' to download the file - Please report broken link in the comment!

1 Response to "Download Rapidleech by TheonlyMod"

  1. mas, mau tanya. Klo file2 yang ga brasil di download dlm 30 menit kan dihapus otomatis.
    ada caranya gak biar dihapus? nyesek bgt klo dl udah 90%...
