[PB Inter] [R]HAX-RebornV2


Product Name                  : [R]HAX-Reborn V2
Released : 21-12-2010
Creator : RCD
Version Supported : PB Indo (ALL Hack Supported ), PB Thailand, PB Rusia, PB Turki, PB Brazil, Project BlackOut (Only ASM HACK !).

Greetz to : [*] hrd
[*] AWP
[*] DewaPB a.k.a Irvan R.F.O
[*] and many more...
Archive Type : ZIP
Packer : "[R]HAX-RebornV2.dll" <~ Packed with VMProtect
"[R]HAX-Reborn_V2.exe" <~ Packed with UPX
Included files : ~>[R]HAX-Reborn_V2.exe
Game Target : PointBlank
Anti-Cheat : AhnLab HackShield Pro
Type : Trainer + Auto Logging
Feature : [//] ============ASM Hack========== [//]
[*] Minimize On = NUMPAD 4
[*] Minimize Off = NUMPAD 1
[*] Wallshot On = NUMPAD 5
[*] Wallshot Off = NUMPAD 2
[*] Bomberman On = NUMPAD 6
[*] Bomberman Off = NUMPAD 3
[*] Ammo On (Special for PB Brazil) = LCTRL + PAGEUP
[*] Ammo Off (Special for PB Brazil) = LCTRL + PAGEDOWN
[//] ============================== [//]
[//] ========Character Hack======== [//]
[*] Use Assault Beret + Char Hack = LCTRL + F1
[*] Use Sniper Beret + Char Hack = LCTRL + F2
[*] Use SMG Beret + Char Hack = LCTRL + F3
[*] Use SG Beret + Char Hack = LCTRL + F4
[*] Reset Character = CTRL + BACKSPACE
[//] ============================== [//]
[*] Quick Exit Process = PAUSE BREAK
[*] Enable Free View Mode = F11
[*] Title Hack = F12
Blog : http://www.richardyusan.wordpress.com
Note Tambahan : Boleh Posting selain di N3 tapi jangan lupa nama pembuatnya dan sumber postnya !
Cara pemakaian : o Activating = Simply run [R]HAX-Reborn_V2.exe and FireUp PointBlank
o Minimize = Usahakan minimize gak perlu lama2, Tested 2 menit
o Wallshot = Aktifkan sebelum ready, nonaktifkan saat loading map
o Bomberman = Carilah timing yang tepat, Usahakan pake 3x lemparan saja.
o Use Assault Beret + Char Hack = Aktifkan sebelum ready, RESET CHAR saat muncul text "SEDANG MEMPERSIAPKAN MULAI GAME"
o Use Sniper Beret + Char Hack = Aktifkan sebelum ready, RESET CHAR saat muncul text "SEDANG MEMPERSIAPKAN MULAI GAME"
o Use SMG Beret + Char Hack = Aktifkan sebelum ready, RESET CHAR saat muncul text "SEDANG MEMPERSIAPKAN MULAI GAME"
o Use SG Beret + Char Hack = Aktifkan sebelum ready, RESET CHAR saat muncul text "SEDANG MEMPERSIAPKAN MULAI GAME"
MD5 Sum : ( lihat di virustotal )
Note :
o [R]HAX-Reborn V2 dilengkapi dengan Auto Logger yang dapat mencari offset sendiri dan keuntungannya adalah dapat juga untuk mencari offset game PointBlank luar, jadi

Trainer ini TIDAK memerlukan UPDATE dan akan kompatibel selamanya walaupun PointBlank telah melakukan UPDATE berkali-kali
o Tidak akan ada Patch / Update dalam waktu dekat
o Untuk ASM Hack, dapat digunakan di seluruh versi PointBlank. PB Indo, PB Thailand, PB Rusia, PB Turki, PB Brazil, Project BlackOut.
English :

o For PointBlank'ers in Thailand, Rusia, etc... who wants use this hack, please read this !

o Activating : Simply run [R]HAX-Reborn_V2.exe and FireUp PointBlank
o Hack currently support in PointBlank Thailand, Rusia, Turki, etc... only "ASM Hack" : Minimize, Wallshot, Bomberman, Ammo ( scroll up for HOTKEYS )

o How To's :
Wallshot = On it before you click READY, OFF it while loading MAP ( map screen info )
Bomberman = On it while you in gameplay mode
Ammo = On it while you in gameplay mode
Minimize = This hack is for PointBlank version that can't be minimized. ex: PB Indonesia

o Sorry for My Bad English :P.

Virus Scan Log

2010-12-21 Found nothing
2010-12-21 Gen:Trojan.Heur.imKffTDlKPfO
[Avast! antivirus]
2010-12-20 Found nothing
2010-12-21 Found nothing
[Grisoft AVG Anti-Virus]
2010-12-20 Found nothing
[Kaspersky Anti-Virus]
2010-12-21 Found nothing
[Avira AntiVir]
2010-12-20 Found nothing
2010-12-20 Found nothing
[Softwin BitDefender]
2010-12-21 Gen:Trojan.Heur.imKffTDlKPfO
[Panda Antivirus]
2010-12-20 Found nothing
2010-12-21 Found nothing
[Quick Heal]
2010-12-21 Found nothing
2010-12-21 Found nothing
2010-12-21 Sus/ComPack-L
2010-12-21 Found nothing
[VirusBlokAda VBA32]
2010-12-19 Found nothing
[Frisk F-Prot Antivirus]
2010-12-20 Found nothing
2010-12-20 Found nothing

More Detail...

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29 Responses to "[PB Inter] [R]HAX-RebornV2"

  1. Terima kasih atas Cheat Nya bang RCD

    kayaknya RCD selalu update Terus Cheat2 point blank.

    MAju Terus RCD. Good Luck Friend!!!

  2. Wah Gan kyknya udah ga work nih.....
    soalnya tadi pas udah succes injectornya, udah masuk PB
    udah pencet numpad 5 sbelum start & numpad 6 pas loading map g nembus tmbakkanya gan......

    Tolong diperhatikan

    Pisss ^_^***

  3. kk saya mau tanya cara nyari offset char hack , baret hack ..
    tu gimana , kan di RCD LOgger ng ada ?????

  4. bang ammo nya di pakai gimna mhon pencerahan nya>?

  5. @UnKnOWn
    Lu Aja Yang Ngga Baca Instruksinya

  6. cacad cheat ga bisa nembus hacking sheld

    wkakakakakakakak WH gue bisa nembus

    gue bisa ngeblow programnya si Drache

    wkakakaakkakak biar sehebat apa pun

    pasti ada yg di atas lagi,,,,,,

  7. maav ya gan .
    Cheat bang RCD ane share di Forum ane.
    di devans.coolbb.net

    gpp kan bang.

  8. kok gk work sih bang udah teken f12 tapi gak kenapa-kenapa

  9. Trus maksud lo ngomong gitu???
    mau nunjukin klo lo yg Hebat gitu???

    Klo lo isa nembus ya selamat,
    tapi percuma yg isa ngerasain cuman lo doang.Seandainya bener,toh gak ada orang lain yg make cit lo selain dirimu sendiri,otomatis gak ada orang yg nganggep lo HEBAT...
    Gak usah ribet2 lah,dari semua cheater PB pasti tau klo RCD itu sapa,...
    Dewasa ajalah gan,
    Klo mau nunjukin prestasi,tunjukin prestasimu lewat KARYA YG DIKENAL BANYAK ORANG,bukan lewat sebuah spam komentar yg gak jelas.

    Terima kasih,


    Maaf,, kita bukan Nya Mengharap Loe Nyebarin tuh Cheat WH Loe...
    Tp sprt kata Agan yg di Atas..
    kLu Mau Di kenaL Ya Harus Di pubLikasikan..

  11. pas ane coba d pb thailand , kok yg work cuma bomberman
    kalo pke wS DC

    trus kalo ammo belum ane coba coz ane gak tau scrool up tuh yang mana

  12. kk kok waktu coba di PB inter TRaner nya nggak ke injek mohon penjelasan nya kk RCD di E-mail ku "NAIM@MUSLIM.COM"
    TERUS BERJAYA.........

  13. numpang nanya nih. kalo main PB dr Luar,, nggak LAG kah? kan server dr luar jg. Kalo nggak LAG, mau jg nih main gan.

  14. Penipu ngaku-ngaku loh.

  15. nge lag lah...

    apa lagi pas patchingnya
    lama banget

    kalo maen paling pingnya dapet kuning

    ane make speedy 1MB

  16. scroll up tuh yang mana sih?

  17. Sample PB BR off, pls reply me my email. I send for you

  18. Gan RCD Saya Boleh Tanya Kg ?
    Klo Bikin LOGGER Gmn ?
    Please Kasih Tau

  19. Bohong...............
    sok ngaku-ngaku..........
    hargailah karya orang ................
    jangan cuma bacot doank..............

  20. biar w jelaskan cra pemakaian na...
    {1}buka cheat trainer na..
    [2]masuk ke folder pb klik point blank.exe{jgn launcher na}
    [3]otomatis notice naklr tu..
    ok.ok kn ja...
    [4]otomatis pb laucher na muncul lu buka skali gy chet trainer na ...
    [5]start deh....

    w jamin pasti work tu..!!!

    My blog :www.borjuaj.co.cc

  21. scroll ( yang ada di mouse itu ) biar tau dimana hotkeynya

  22. tadi ane test wallshot ama ammo work kok :D

  23. @richardyusan: Cit ini di pangkas ma KAV saya kk..

  24. Kalo Adf.ly nya ga bsa kebuka gmna coz pad di klick langsung connten error seandainya kalo minta 4share or ziddunya aja Gmna kk kalo boleh minta..? ^_^

  25. kk chit ini tuh kalo pake yg ganti costume + beret nya koq gk work pas play?

  26. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
