Extra Fasterfox 3.1.4 Telah Di rilis !

Extra Fasterfox 3.1.4 Telah Di rilis dengan perbaikan :

-adding a few commands to speed up firefox
-suitable for gecko latest version of mozilla that will enhance your firefox speed
-repair code - code that is not useful
-improvement when tabs do not get a response that will cause traffic jam

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5 Responses to "Extra Fasterfox 3.1.4 Telah Di rilis !"

  1. aku pake chrome..ga bisa pake fasterfox ya?

  2. sayang gan, ane belum buat versi chrome nya :D
    anda harus pakai firefox untuk menggunakan addon ini :D
    di jamin maknyus deh addonnya :D

  3. Ready 2 download!!!
    wait 4 speed...

  4. sekarang extra fasterfox dah versi 3.1.8 ,trus cepet mana ma add ons fasterfox 3.8.5,fasterfox 3.8.2 lite,fasterfox 4.1.6 ,tweak network 1.5 dibanding extra fasterfox 3.1.8.bingung mo pake yang mana,tolong om diulas
